Gentle Ventures Blog Tue, 07 May 2024 07:27:35 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb 5 Things New Moms Don't Know When They Bring Newborns Home (But Should)


Bringing home a newborn baby is an exciting and joyous experience. However, amidst the bliss, there are certain things that new moms are often unaware of. Don't worry, though! We're here to shed some light on these little-known facts while adding a touch of humor to make your journey into motherhood even more enjoyable. So, grab a cup of coffee (you'll need it!) and let's dive into the five things new moms don't know when they bring newborns home.

1.  Sleep Will Become a Myth: Ah, sleep. Remember those peaceful nights of uninterrupted slumber? Well, kiss them goodbye! Newborns have an uncanny ability to turn night into day and day into... well, a blurry haze. Those beautiful dark circles under your eyes will become a fashion statement, and you'll start fantasizing about napping in the grocery store line. But hey, who needs sleep when you have the cutest little human keeping you on your toes 24/7, right?

2.  Baby Spit-Up Is a Fashion Accessory: Fashionistas, take note! Forget about the latest designer handbags; your baby's spit-up is the new must-have accessory. No outfit is complete without a splash of milky regurgitation on your shoulder or a stain on your favorite blouse. It's the perfect conversation starter when meeting fellow moms in the park. So, embrace the new trend, and always carry a burp cloth with style!

3.  Google Will Become Your Best Friend: Move over, BFFs! Google will become your most trusted confidant during the early days of motherhood. From deciphering strange diaper contents to seeking advice on soothing a crying baby, the search engine will have all the answers (well, at least it'll try its best). Just be prepared for the occasional panic-inducing search results that make you question your sanity. Remember, trust your instincts, and take Dr. Google's advice with a grain of salt!

4.  Multitasking Takes on a Whole New Meaning: You thought you were a pro at multitasking before becoming a mom? Well, get ready to level up! As a new mom, you'll master the art of performing tasks you never thought possible simultaneously. Prepare to breastfeed while answering work emails, changing diapers while cooking dinner, and singing lullabies while brushing your teeth. Who needs extra hands when you've got the power of motherhood?

5.  Mom Guilt Will Creep In (But You're Doing Amazing!): Welcome to the world of mom guilt, where everything you do (or don't do) can make you question your abilities as a parent. Did you give the baby the wrong bottle? Are you spending enough quality time with them? Take a deep breath, mama. Remember that you're doing an incredible job, even on the days when you feel like a hot mess. Cut yourself some slack, embrace imperfection, and know that your love and efforts are more than enough.

Conclusion: Motherhood is an adventure filled with laughter, tears, and a whole lot of love. As a new mom, there are certainly things you didn't know before bringing your newborn home. Embrace the sleepless nights, wear the spit-up stains with pride, and know that Google is always there to help. Keep multitasking like a superhero and silence that nagging mom guilt. You're doing an amazing job, and your journey as a new mom will be one filled with unforgettable moments and endless joy. Cheers to you, supermom!

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Newborn Techniques Thu, 22 Jun 2023 21:14:39 +0000
Why I love Holistic Care

I want to share my observations on breastfeeding and other natural methods of caring for your baby.  People think I am crazy but I can tell just by looking at a baby if it is breast or bottle fed.  The shape of the baby’s face, the glow in their skin, the bright eyes are all give always to the wonders of breastmilk.  The same goes for babies and children who are cared for using natural holistic methods.  There is a healthy glow about them.    

I use natural modalities in my specialty and although I am not a physician or a health care provider, I can still research and use my God-given abilities to observe what pharmaceuticals do to the body.  I see my grandson who started with eczema go on pharmaceutical drugs now developed asthma from the drug.  Sure his skin looks better, but at what cost?  He told me the other day, his lungs hurt.  Eczema is very difficult to control but can be done with persistence, dietary changes, allergy avoidance and homeopathic and herbal help.  Isn’t your life worth the extra effort.

They are finding through research that many abnormalities can be traced back to birth and before, through birth trauma, mom’s pregnancy experiences, and drugs given to baby or mom.    When these are addressed (the sooner the better) you can begin peeling back the layers of illness. 

I love the natural road.  It takes time and patience not a lot of people have or want to dedicate themselves to but, so worth the effort.  

I am 72 years old and have a bit of arthritis which is completely control to the level or no pain with homeopathy.  I am in great health and look forward to many more years of healthiness.

Start from birth.  Give your children the gift of health and life and freedom from pharmaceutical drugs by learning about the power of homeopathy, herbs, essential oils, acupuncture, chiropractic and cranialsacral therapy, good diet and exercise. 

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Newborn Techniques Tue, 28 Jun 2022 23:02:16 +0000
Embracing the Natural Path: Observations on Breastfeeding and Holistic Baby Care

Introduction: In this blog post, I want to share my observations on the benefits of breastfeeding and adopting holistic methods for caring for your baby. While some may consider my views unconventional, I firmly believe that the impact of breastfeeding and natural modalities can be seen in a baby's appearance and overall health. Join me as I delve into the wonders of breastmilk and holistic care for infants and children.

Breastfeeding: A Natural Wonder There is something remarkable about breastfed babies that sets them apart. Simply by looking at their faces, their radiant skin, and their bright eyes, one can often discern whether a baby is breastfed or bottle-fed. Breastmilk works wonders, imparting a healthy glow to these little ones. It's an amazing testament to the power of nature's perfect nourishment.

Holistic Methods for Baby Care Similar to breastfeeding, holistic methods of caring for babies and children have a profound impact on their well-being. When children are nurtured using natural and holistic approaches, they exude a vibrant aura of health. As someone who employs natural modalities in my specialty, I may not be a medical professional, but I rely on my innate abilities and thorough research to understand the effects of pharmaceuticals on the body.

Unveiling the Consequences of Pharmaceuticals I have witnessed firsthand the consequences of pharmaceuticals on a friend. Initially struggling with eczema, he turned to pharmaceutical drugs, which ultimately led to the development of asthma. While his skin improved, the toll on his lungs was evident. It's crucial to consider the cost of relying solely on medications. Eczema, a challenging condition to control, can be managed through persistent efforts, dietary changes, allergy avoidance, and the assistance of homeopathic and herbal remedies. Is it not worth the extra effort to prioritize your well-being?

Addressing Early Origins of Health Issues Research suggests that many abnormalities can be traced back to the prenatal period, birth trauma, and the medications administered to the baby or the mother. By addressing these issues promptly, preferably at birth or even before, we can start unraveling the layers of illness that may be affecting our children's health. Early intervention and holistic care can pave the way for a healthier future.

The Beauty of the Natural Path While the natural road requires time, patience, and dedication, it is undoubtedly rewarding. I speak from personal experience, being 72 years old and managing my arthritis with homeopathy, completely eradicating pain from my life. My commitment to a natural lifestyle has bestowed upon me great health and the prospect of many more years of vitality.

Empowering Your Children's Health It's never too early to instill a foundation of health in your children's lives. By embracing natural modalities such as homeopathy, herbs, essential oils, acupuncture, chiropractic and craniosacral therapy, good nutrition, and exercise, you can gift your children a life free from dependence on pharmaceutical drugs. Let's embark on this journey together, starting from birth, to nurture their health and empower their lives.

Conclusion: Embracing the power of breastfeeding and holistic care for our babies can yield remarkable benefits. From the wonders of breastmilk to the potential of natural modalities, we have the opportunity to shape their lives, providing them with the gift of health and freedom from pharmaceutical interventions. As we prioritize the natural path, let us embark on this transformative journey and witness the incredible potential it holds for our children's well-being.


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Newborn Techniques Tue, 28 Jun 2022 22:54:31 +0000
Maybe you don’t need to burp your baby

Title: Maybe You Don't Need to Burp Your Baby

Introduction: Burping a baby after feeding has long been considered a common practice to alleviate discomfort and prevent gas buildup. However, recent research and evolving expert opinions suggest that burping may not be necessary for all babies. Understanding the factors at play can help parents make informed decisions about whether or not to burp their little ones.

Digestive System Development: Babies' digestive systems undergo significant development during the early months of life. As their digestive organs mature, they become more efficient at handling milk or formula intake. This natural progression reduces the likelihood of excessive air being swallowed during feeding, ultimately minimizing the need for frequent burping.

Feeding Techniques: The way babies are fed can also influence the need for burping. Breastfed babies tend to swallow less air than bottle-fed infants due to the natural control and flow of breast milk. Breast milk is easily digested, and babies are often able to regulate their feeding pace, resulting in fewer instances of excessive air intake.

Bottle-fed babies, on the other hand, may benefit from occasional burping as the bottle's design and feeding style can lead to more air ingestion. It's important to note that each baby is unique, and some bottle-fed infants may naturally expel excess air without assistance.

Cues from the Baby: Observing your baby's behavior during and after feeding can provide helpful cues regarding the necessity of burping. If your baby appears content, relaxed, and not showing signs of discomfort such as fussiness or excessive spit-up, it may indicate that they are effectively managing their digestion without the need for burping.

Experimenting and Consulting: Parents can experiment with different feeding techniques and observe their baby's response to determine if burping is necessary. Some babies may benefit from a gentle pat on the back or upright positioning after feeding, while others may naturally release any trapped air without external assistance.

As always, consulting with pediatricians or healthcare professionals is crucial for personalized advice tailored to your baby's specific needs. They can provide guidance based on your baby's individual factors such as age, feeding method, and overall health.

Conclusion: While burping has traditionally been viewed as a standard practice, recent insights suggest that it may not be necessary for all babies. The developmental progress of their digestive systems, feeding techniques, and individual cues should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to burp. By observing your baby's behavior and seeking professional advice, you can make an informed choice that supports your little one's comfort and well-being during feeding time.

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Feeding Baby Newborn Techniques Fri, 04 May 2018 00:31:48 +0000